Gillray’s caricature Dilettanti Theatrical; or a Peep at the Green Room. Vide Pic-Nic Orgies lampoons the Pic Nic Society. For a brief time, the Pic Nics were one of Gillray’s prime targets, and his satire Blowing up the Pic Nics helped to hound the society into disbanding.

Gillray’s satire was knocked-off by Edward Francis Burney as The Pic-Nic Orchestra and Charles Williams as “A Peep into Tottenham Street, or Dilettanti Performers in Training.”

Edward Burney. The Pic-Nic Orchestra (1802c)

Featured Image: James Gillray. Dilettanti Theatrical;-or-a Peep at the Green Room. Vide Pic-Nic Orgies (1802), engraving hand-tinted. Wright and R.H. Evans, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray, 1851, rpt. Benjamin Blom, NY 1968.