Knight developed her style while at the Lamorna Art Colony in west Cornwall.  She was nineteen years old and married to Harold Knight. Among more experienced artists and congenial surroundings, she realized the freedom of expression and technique that lasted throughout her long career.  Judging from the paintings, it was a happy time

A 1914 photograph shows her at a picnic with other artists.

Knight, second from left, is leaning forward. Lamorna, Cornwall, 1914.

Knight was the first woman elected to the Royal Academy.

Knight’s early style at Lamorna. On the Cliffs (1907).

Featured Image: Detail. Knight’s mature style.The Picnic (1912)

See Laura Knight. The Magic of a Line. London: William Kimber & Co. Ltd., 1965; Caroline Fox, Dame Laura Knight,1988; Pamela Gerrish Nunn. From Victorian to Modern Laura Knight, Vanessa Bell, Gwen John 1890-1920. London: Macmillan, 2007