Rivers expressed his appreciation of good picnic fun in Picnic (1985) and The Pleasant Picnic (1990). Both are inspired by Leger’s series La Partie de Campagne [The Country Outing, or Picnic] (1952/53). The Pleasant Picnic changes the scene. Now the picnickers are on the grass, and the water is in the background. Rivers also changed the coloration from blue to green.

Larry Rivers. The Pleasant Picnic (1990)
Featured Image: Picnic (1985)

Fernand Leger. La partie de campagne. Detail. oil
See Larry Rivers. Picnic (1985) Graphite and Colored Crayon on paper, 59.5 x 79.7 in.; The Pleasant Picnic (1990). oil on paper mounted on canvas (59.5 x 79.7 in.)