“Das Picnic” is an advertisement for Hamburger Tropfen, Dr. August König’s patent medicine, written in German by an American company in New Castle, Wisconsin.

The ad’s image is a picture puzzle, and the legend is “Wo ist der Mann, welcher stets Dr. August König’s Hamburger Tropfen gebraucht?” or “Where is the man who always needs Dr. August König’s Hamburg Drops?”

The landscape is anthropomorphic: a man’s head and upper torso. Unless you find this appealing, it’s hokey. The joke is old and leads to the artwork of Joos de Momper, an early 18th-century Dutch painter of anthropomorphic landscapes. Hidden Faces: Anthropomorphic Landscapes.” The Public Domain Review bookreader; blogspot.com/2014/10/colossal-landscapes.html

See “The Art of Hidden Faces: Anthropomorphic Landscapes.” The Public Domain Review bookreader: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/the-art-of-hidden-faces-anthropomorphic-landscapes; blogspot.com/2014/10/colossal-landscapes.html; http://maxkade.blogspot.com/2012/08/a-picture-puzzle-vexierbild.html