Craigie W. Craigie’s “The Vocabulary of Picnic” is a collection of 19th-century compound expressions for a picnic, such as basket dinner, basket lunch, basket party, and basket picnic. There is a Croquet basket picnic, Grand basket pic-nic, social basket pic-nic, Social evening pic-nic, Grand basket picnic, Social basket picnic, social evening pic-nic, and Grand basket pic-nic.

Take a breath, and then continue with a clambake, corn roast, corn boiling, ox roast, oyster roast, fish fry, wiener roast, bean supper, cookout, and barbecue. Ox roast, Oyster roast, Weiner roast, Basket dinner, Basket lunch, Basket meeting, Basket party, Bean supper, Camp Meeting, Clambake, Cookout, Dinner on the Grounds, Supper on the Grounds, Fish- fry, Excursion, and Outing.

See Carter W. Craigie. “The Vocabulary of the Picnic.” MidWestern Language and Folklore Newsletter, 1978.