John Sloan’s South Beach Bathers (1908)

John Sloan’s South Beach Bathers (1908)

Sloan’s diary for his outing to South Beach and the Happy Land Amusement Park is laconic: June 23, 1907: “Dolly and I went to Staten Island, South Beach this afternoon by Municipal Ferry and Train. Our first visit and we found the place to our liking. Reminds one of...
Nikolai Astrup’s Bonfire Picnics

Nikolai Astrup’s Bonfire Picnics

Astrum’s recurring theme is the picnic bonfires lighted on Midsummer’s Eve, June 23, marking the summer solstice. Though it’s a pagan holdover, Christians celebrate the evening honoring St. John the Baptist’s birthday on June 24.  In deeply...
F. Luis Mora’ Picnic on the Hill (1908)

F. Luis Mora’ Picnic on the Hill (1908)

Mora flourished between the 1900s and the 1930s. At the time of his death in 1940, he had lost his following and is now among the almost forgotten American painters. Featured Image: F. Luis Mora Twilight Picnic (1905 c.), oil on canvas.  
Jack London’s Martin Eden (1908)

Jack London’s Martin Eden (1908)

Picnics in Jack London’s Martin Eden contrast social disparities between the poor working and genteel upper classes. London’s Martin Eden alludes to Horatio Alger Jr.’s heroes who rise in society through hard work and education. But London disparages Alger’s optimism....
Booker T. Washington’s “All Day Meeting” (1911)

Booker T. Washington’s “All Day Meeting” (1911)

Washington’s “all day meeting” is also known as “dinner on the grounds.” It agrees with versions of meetings by William A. Clary, Edna Lewis, Bebe Meaders and maya Angelou. I’ve cited Washington’s whole passage because...
Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome (1911)

Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome (1911)

One exception to the unremitting cold in Wharton’s Ethan Frome is a summer church picnic when Ethan and Mattie Silver first feel love for one another. When Mattie is forced to leave, Frome drives her to the train station. Along the way, they stop by the frozen...