Bridgland’s Forward, Conquer! We Have a Car and Can Picnic in the Country! Is part fun and part satire. Yet, whether Bridgland knows it or not, no other mode of transportation has boosted picnicking and helped make them ubiquitous. See Adam Bridgland. Forward,...
Talbott’s satire Cheesecake Picnic Party: A Killer Batch of Tasty Treats (2007) evokes the Hollywood film noir. It’s a satire of the so-called cheesecake images of sexy women. Featured Image: David Russell Talbott. Cheesecake Picnic Party: A Killer Batch...
Talbott’s Apple Pie Picnic is a send-up of the cliché “As American as apple pie.” Talbott jams as many icons as he can on the picnic cloth. Marilyn Monroe is on her knees next to a picnic basket, a steaming apple pie, a copy of Jack Kerouac’s...