Letitia Barbauld’s A Legacy for Young Ladies (1826)

Letitia Barbauld’s A Legacy for Young Ladies (1826)

Barbauld’s etiquette book A Legacy for Young Ladies Consisting of Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse was an important social resource. Like Miss Manners or Emily Post, Barbauld is sure that what she has to say is correct. Barbauld’s explanation of “pic nic” then...
Henry David Thoreau’s Oration at the Harmony Grove Picnic (1854)

Henry David Thoreau’s Oration at the Harmony Grove Picnic (1854)

At the Harmony Grove picnic dedicated to abolishing slavery, Thoreau read portions of what became his essay “Slavery in Massachusetts” completed later that year.   The occasion was a Fourth of July celebration, and among Thoreau’s concerns was the fugitive Henry...
William Hamilton Gibson’s “Honey Dew Picnic” (1897)

William Hamilton Gibson’s “Honey Dew Picnic” (1897)

Gibson, nature writer and artist of the 1890s, describes the nature of things in “Honey Dew Picnic” from My Studio Neighbors (1897) is, a humorous essay about the feeding frenzy of insects in a forest. He says that while he never actually witnessed the...

Henry James’s English Hours (1905)

Chief among James’s observations of Derby Day at Epsom is his astonishment at the picnicking on the carriage tops. It was a sight of madness. “The crowd was very animated; that is the most succinct description I can give of it. The horses of course had...