Gustave Flaubert’s Emma Bovary (1856)

Gustave Flaubert’s Emma Bovary (1856)

Flaubert’s Madame Bovary is attack on the French bourgeoisie’s crudities and lack of taste. A pivotal moment occurs at Emma Rouault’s wedding party, a vaguely picnicky outdoor event. The party foreshadows Emma’s disastrous relationship with...
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s The Pearl of Orr’s Island  (1862)

Harriet Beecher Stowe’s The Pearl of Orr’s Island (1862)

Stowe’s The Pearl of Orr’s Island was published ten years after Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) is a story of the people who speak in the vernacular of Maine, on the road to the Kennebec, below the town of Bath. Its basis is Shakespeare’s The Tempest,...
Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s The Doctor’s Wife (1864)

Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s The Doctor’s Wife (1864)

The Doctor’s Wife is Braddon’s free adaptation of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. Like Emma Bovary, Isabel Gilbert, the doctor’s unhappy wife, looks for romance. Unlike Emma, Isabel is never sexually seduced. She’s sullied but never ruined. There are...
Anthony Trollope’s Can You Forgive Her? (1864)

Anthony Trollope’s Can You Forgive Her? (1864)

Trollope’s beach picnic in Can You Forgive Her (1864) is highlighted with a stern warning: “Yarmouth is not a happy place for a picnic. A picnic should be held among green things. Green turf is absolutely essential. There should be, if possible, rocks, old...
Emile Zola’s Therese Raquin (1867)

Emile Zola’s Therese Raquin (1867)

Thérèse Raquin and her lover Laurent Le Claire murder her husband Camille at a picnic. It’s a pivotal episode, proving Zola’s contention that people acting out the “fatalities of their flesh” become brutes humaines. Everything about this picnic...
Émile Zola’s Madeleine Férat  (1868)

Émile Zola’s Madeleine Férat (1868)

Zola’s Madeleine Férat is dedicated to Édouard Manet. Defying the critical mainstream, Zola accepted Manet’s visual realism and his frank sensualism of Le déjeuner sur l’herbe and Olympia, which Zola defended against adverse criticism. Zola’s...
Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women (1868)

Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women (1868)

“Sunshine and laughter are good omens for a pleasure party,”  Alcott writes in Little Women. And when Laurie writes to Jo to explain his intentions, he promises sunshine and laughter. Dear Jo, What ho! Some English girls and boys are coming to see me...
Mark Twain ‘s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)

Mark Twain ‘s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)

Becky Sharp’s “pic-nic” begins with “a giddy and rollicking company” on an island in the Mississippi. After traveling by old ferryboat three miles below the town of Hannibal, the picnickers  “swarmed ashore and soon the forest distances and craggy heights echoed...
George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda (1876)

George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda (1876)

Eliot uses sport to illustrate gender relationships. Daniel Deronda has two archery picnics that do not meet the usual expectations of being joyous. Both archery picnics are metaphors in which Gwendolyn Harleth and the other women archers are contrasted to the goddess...