Sample’s Church Super is his judgment of his wife Sylvia’s hometown in Westmore, Vermont. It’s dour and static. The supper is ordinary, but many details tell otherwise. Though the minister calls the picnickers for grace, many are already eating. A...
The poise of a young couple picnicking in Fleetwood-Walker’s Amity is ingratiating. The young man stares at the young woman, who looks lost in thought. She twirls a daisy, suggesting youth and innocence. The picnic basket beside her shows apples, a symbolic suggestion...
Deim’s The Beach Picnic is a portrait of the Cannery Row crowd in Monterey, California. Among the picnickers are John Steinbeck, the kneeling figure lighting the fire, Ed Rickets (bearded) and reclining with a beer in hand, Deim playing the guitar, looks down at...
Bischoff’s Picnic on the River is a scene that alludes to a happy time. The picnic cloth is well-stocked with a wicker basket, and wine and food are surrounded by picnickers of all ages. The central character is the woman in yellow sitting beside the recumbent woman...
Gerasimov’s celebration of a very abundant harvest is propaganda. Soviet farms were not producing well, and the nation suffered chronic harvest shortages. Stalin’s propaganda program deemed otherwise, and the artists and writers were instructed to portray a land of...
Bishoff preferred painting en plein aire in Southern California. The arroyo in the painting is Arroyo Seco, just beyond Pasadena, which was popular for hiking. See Jean Stern. Franz A. Bishoff: The Life of an American Master. The Irvine Museum 2010 1980. Also John...
Persephone’s abduction by Hades, sometimes Pluto, is rife with sexual predation and seasonal change. In Theogony, Hesiod says that while gathering asphodels with the daughters of Oceanus, Persephone is abducted and taken to Hades, where she rules as the Iron Queen....
This is a favorite among Marsh’s Coney Island images. In this instance, a collection of Venuses. Compare it with John Sloan’s South Beach Bathers and Mabel Dwight’s Coney Island Beach. Featured Image: Beach Picnic (1939). Engraving.
Wolcott’s tables for St. Thomas’s Church picnic is similar to Nell Choate Jones’s 1945 Church Supper but differ from William Clary’s picnic on the grounds in Valentines, Virginia. See Marion Post Wolcott. Table in picnic grove set for St. Thomas Church supper near...