Sunset Books’ Picnics and Tailgate Parties (1982)

Sunset Books’ Picnics and Tailgate Parties (1982)

Good advice for packing a picnic: “Pack the unbreakable items first, the French bread last of all.” See Cornelia Fogle. ed. Sunset Books, Picnics and Tailgate Parties. Menlo Park, California: Lane Publishing, 1982  
Maggie Black’s The Jane Austen Cookbook (1995)

Maggie Black’s The Jane Austen Cookbook (1995)

Suggested contemporary picnic fare for jane Austen includes many dishes requiring extensive preparation. We know who does the eating, but who does the prepping and the cooking? Broccoli (served hot or cold) Salmagundi Oysters, Stewed and in Loaves A Pretty Dish of...

Mrs. Rundell’s A New System of Domestic Cookery (1806)

A fricassee is picnic food when dining indoors. It’s mentioned in Samuel Foote’s The Nabob (1772) and Mary Belson Elliott’s The Mice and Their Pic Nic (1809).  Had Elliott needed a recipe, she might have found it in Mrs. Rundell’s A New System...
Amy Colter’s The Secret Garden Cookbook  (1999)

Amy Colter’s The Secret Garden Cookbook (1999)

Colter’s The Secret Garden Cookbook is mainly a collection of high calory, sugary and fatty foods. She starts with Burnet’s essential food path and never wanders far off. “You can trifle with your breakfast and seem to disdain your dinner,”...